Tameilya's Guestbook

Please sign my Guestbook!

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December 7th 2018
05:30:08 PM
What is your name?  

Alex Konowalchuk

Where are you from?  

Wabamun AB

Post a message:  

Lived in that area for many years and owned property across the lake. My nickname is Pinky. Was well known in that area lol

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September 16th 2018
11:23:12 AM
What is your name?  

Website Admin

Where are you from?  

Winnipeg, MB., Canada

Post a message:  

This is a sample post in your new Guest Book. You can customize the questions that your visitors are asked. Visitors to your website can leave a message and also, they can read through the other Guest Book entries to learn what other people are saying about Narrows Sunset Lodge. If there is a post in your Guest Book that you don\'t like, let me know, and I\'m able to delete it.

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