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Re: 2 pages wont load

I resized some images & when i tried to upload them it wouldn't let me.
I deleted the original first & still get disk quota.
I can't even delete them & SAVE the changes.
How can i get this to work ?

Browser: Firefox

OS: Vista

Re: 2 pages wont load

I don't know, but it has been suggested that deletions don't have an effect on the quota immediately. Perhaps the program counts your kilobytes once a day or something.

Also, deleting the images and not being able to save the changes....? You realize that you aren't deleting images if you just remove them from the page in Wizard, right? I don't use Wizard myself, but I believe you need to go to File Manager to actually delete files (unless there is a wizard option I haven't heard of - might will be the case).

Re: 2 pages wont load

I did use File Manager

Browser: Firefox

OS: Vista

Re: 2 pages wont load

Well, the files should have been deleted, then. Check to see if the deletions have registered today. How much webspace are you currently using? (One of the first things you see as you log on and go to your websites)

Re: 2 pages wont load

I am using 6MB
I deleted a image,but when i go to my site the image is still there.

Re: 2 pages wont load

if you have 6mb then you are over if you have a free hosted subdomain

need to do some moving and more or deleting.

Have to watch what you are putting up as said and get your space down because you really can't put anything more up till you get well down.

Re: 2 pages wont load

It won't let me delete & save the changes.
Why is it when i deleted an image & not let me save,but the images is gone in File manager but still on the web site ?

Browser: Firefox

OS: Vista

Re: 2 pages wont load

i see all images on your main page but there is a red x in the purple box at top as if something was there or is not coded correctly

Some images the bigger sized ones don't show up.

Make sure what images you deleted because am sure you had one image file for the small and another for the larger images

But as said with 5mb of space your websites are not meant to be splashy sites and more just a little site and the space can be used up fast as said with large images that are over the size limit they should be EVEN though they APPEAR to be one size on your site they most often are a total other size.

I have seen this issue before around here at the forums but can't remember what the solution was with deleting files and the space issue etc

Re: 2 pages wont load

As far as I know, there isn't any saving involved in deleting files in File Manager. I just deleted one, it is gone. Of course, if I wanted to edit a page on which that file was displayed, I'd need to save. But first concentrate on getting below 5 mb.

If the image is gone in File Manager and still displayed on your site, you are most likely imagining it. Well, not really, but perhaps you are seeing a page that is cached on your computer.

You still need to slim down by 1 megabyte. Or upgrade to paid hosting. Hosting isn't very expensive, and you would get rid of all the annoying advertisements.

Do you see an image named "swish.gif" on your main page? I don't, and it is gone, so I suspect it is one you deleted.

Re: 2 pages wont load

I don't sse the box with the red X
All images are there
The Swish is used in the title & is showing.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Vista

Re: 2 pages wont load

OK, then we know what the problem is, because the image isn't there. You are looking at files cached on your computer.

Look at your page, press Ctrl-F5

Re: 2 pages wont load

I cleared my cache & i still have images showing that i deleted.
How can they be there & were are they coming from.