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Re: Changing a Sub Domain to a Domain

I bought for three years.

How do I transfer it now? Who do I tell?
Do I have to change all my links inside now to the new domain?
Thank you,

Browser: IE7

Re: Changing a Sub Domain to a Domain

Search engines have no problem over picking up sub domains. I have had sub domains in number one position on Google.

If your site won't rank on the sub domain then it won't rank with a full domain name.

Getting back to the original question we first need to know if you bought the domain from Bravenet or from a different registrar.

Re: Changing a Sub Domain to a Domain

I bought it from Bravenet.
I began this site in September 2010 of this year and I want to do all I can to make it work. That is good to know about subdomains but I bought it already when I was logged on Bravenet and clicked Domain.

Browser: IE7

Re: Changing a Sub Domain to a Domain

Yuur domain is set now just have to upload your files to it and change your links if you want things to point to your domain over your free subdomain