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Re: Deleted Account

did you have the free subdomain site or what

make sure you are logging in to the correct account

especially if you have more than 1

NEED to keep track of your login/password and login regularly.

Just to stay activated. If you have not logged in to your account in 6 months or more may have deactivated your login or your e-mail with your account you probably have changed so never updated their.

Try a lost password if you still have the email address of record

Or on main page find the area for login problems and open a ticket if can

Since you provided NO link to your site can't tell if your site is down due to perhaps space issue as you probably have over the 5mb limit since you have not logged in and things in a good while either.

But if do get in this time login a little more often so don't get deactivated.

Re: Deleted Account

thanks,the site look fine if I go on as a guest,but I didn;t log in for over 6 months so I think the account is deactivated.I have my log in details and the email address I used.I need to now if I can get it reactivated.Alison

Browser: Internet Explorer

Re: Deleted Account

login to bravenet

As for your website if have issues their could be your hosting expired, your domain expired if you are paying for anything

You should be able to go to your site at whatever the link is without having to login to bravenet

If your site is hosted here or more.