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Re: New to web hosting, need help getting my site working.

Your Pink Birds and Big Birds page still seem to be there.

Did your update include renaming or deleting a lot of the other files? If so, you should have stayed away from index.html.

You should probably also have kept the style.css file.

On the BigBirds page you urgently need to replace the huge images (2.2 mb each) with something the same apparent size, but under 20-20 kb. Resize images in Irfanview (or something) before uploading again.

Re: New to web hosting, need help getting my site working.

Thank you for the help. I tried changing my home.html to index.html before and it didn't work. Not sure what I did differently this time. Again, thanks.

And Corwings, I think you have the wrong thread.

Re: New to web hosting, need help getting my site working.

I guess you are right. So totally the wrong thread. Can't figure out how that happened.