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small text

hey guys n girl does any one know how to make the links and thing bigger if so plzzzzzzz help me

Re: small text

That depends on which links your talking about. Your page links or services links? Because you are using the Website Wizard, check out my answer to a similar query at this link.

Re: small text help

i dont get exactely what you mean
could you specifie plz
sry if i am causing you bother
but i really need to get this done

Re: small text

Well, it was not clear from your question what you want to be bigger. Are you trying to make the page links bigger or do you want the links to your services bigger? Or am I completely misunderstanding what you want?

The link I provided was to another persons query on making the link font bigger, on a Website Wizard creation. If that's what you want to do, the technique is the same, but you need to be more specific.

Re: small text

both rele the menu links and the sevice links are both really small
ty for helping me
i really appreciate this