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self driving cars

I remember decades ago when the Atlanta airport first installed automatic trains that connected the terminals. A computerized non-human voice sounding like it came from a tin can would announce:The-train-is-about-to-depart-and-the first-stop-will-be etc. etc. The voice required some sophisticated technology but the whole idea was completely devoid of common sense!! Someone eventually realized what was not especially rocket science: record a human voice saying the train is about to depart and have the computer play that phrase at the appropriate time. Then have the computer play another phrase recorded by a human at the appropriate time: The next stop is terminal two for United Airlines etc. etc. etc.

So we may have self driving cars sometime in the not too distant future. Okay. SO GLASS IS GOING TO DISAPPEAR??????????????????????????????????

When I am NOT doing the driving myself like in a cab, bus, train, or plane, I nevertheless look out the window. I LIKE TO LOOK OUT THE WINDOW!!!!! So suddenly if self driving cars become popular I will now want to feel like I'm in a closed coffin???? What the hell has the car being self driving necessarily got to do with the elimination of glass??????

Engineers, designers, techies---------stop just thinking technical and throw in a little common sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: self driving cars

I wonder if they could be considered a designated driver !?!

Re: self driving cars

You were a little long winded, Steve, but you make an interesting point.

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