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Underpaid Techs

The Techs around the country are vastly underpaid while their counterparts in Europe are living high on the hog. Time to wake up fellas

Re: Underpaid Techs

In Europe they wear ties and lab coats, guess we need to dress better?

Re: Underpaid Techs

It's all how you hold yourself!

Re: Underpaid Techs

Otto Glass
It\'s all how you hold yourself!

No, it's about self respect & what you will accept.

Re: Underpaid Techs

How much more do they make on average?

Re: Underpaid Techs

Stop complaining and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!

Re: Underpaid Techs

The problem is in the amount shops get paid. I understand that one company in Europe has huge market share and the average price of windshields is upwards of $600.00. Thats 3 times the average price of glass in the US. Everything is relative.

Re: Underpaid Techs

You would think it would work it's way over here. I guess there are too many Inde s here

Re: Underpaid Techs

Gas and food is cheaper over there

Re: Underpaid Techs

I am paying my techs $23 how much would that translate to in Germany?


Re: Underpaid Techs

The problem is in the amount shops get paid. I understand that one company in Europe has huge market share and the average price of windshields is upwards of \$600.00. Thats 3 times the average price of glass in the US. Everything is relative.

Instead of accepting what any entity wants to pay try charging appropriately for the services you perform. Just an idea!

The REAL problem is only a few shops know how to charge properly for their work, and will NOT accept what Ins co's and Networks WANT to pay. Our average invoice has been and always will be the same as what you stated. We don't do "cheap and no good" we are "Good and not cheap"! You just can not make up for lost revenue by doing more of it! Is it possible we need better BUSINESSMEN in this industry?

Re: Underpaid Techs

I am paying my techs $23 how much would that translate to in Germany?


Your a cheapskate. We making $32.50 here

Re: Underpaid Techs

Where are you making 32.50 an hour and getting 40 hours a week, I will be glad to move there From where I am at in Charlotte, working where I am at does not pay that much, and we do not always get 40 hours a week.

Let me know message me your email address so I can come to your town , I have my own tools I am good like that I will work a circle around anyone I am good like that ...

Re: Underpaid Techs

The problem is in the amount shops get paid. I understand that one company in Europe has huge market share and the average price of windshields is upwards of \\\$600.00. Thats 3 times the average price of glass in the US. Everything is relative.

Instead of accepting what any entity wants to pay try charging appropriately for the services you perform. Just an idea!

The REAL problem is only a few shops know how to charge properly for their work, and will NOT accept what Ins co's and Networks WANT to pay. Our average invoice has been and always will be the same as what you stated. We don't do "cheap and no good" we are "Good and not cheap"! You just can not make up for lost revenue by doing more of it! Is it possible we need better BUSINESSMEN in this industry?

Really has the answer. Just say no and bill a fair retail price. Most shops are billing wholesale prices or worse. The average invoice prices in Europe are what shops here should be charging. And as I've said many times before, you HAVE to go after every short pay. If everyone followed this simple concept things would change for the better quickly.

Re: Underpaid Techs

I would like to also move to this Utopia that ASAP speaks of. In North Dakota I personally know a guy at Mc Donalds making 22.50 an hour, in all fairness he is living in his car he drove there from Arkansas because there is no work there and he heard of the high pay rates, but there is no where to live that he can afford at the moment till his wife moves there, she is going to go there soon, and then they will be able to afford an apartment or they are looking at at El Cheapo motor home that they think will make the trip, at least one way.

Re: Underpaid Techs

I know a guy that works there, he has been there almost 15 years, he had 3 jobs the other day, in the middle of the summer all after 1 sound like a great job to me?

Re: Underpaid Techs

First you said we pay $32.50 an hour now your saying our $32.50 incentive plan which one is it. That could be a world of difference

Re: Underpaid Techs

I know a guy that works there, he has been there almost 15 years, he had 3 jobs the other day, in the middle of the summer all after 1 sound like a great job to me?

He worked there 15 years should tell you its a great place to work. We wouldn't have people work there that long if he wasn't happy there. Perhaps the reason he had 3 jobs only in the middle of the summer was to keep from over exerting himself. Every think of that?. Many reasons why it was after 1.00pm. Customer availability is 1 of them.

Re: Underpaid Techs

First you said we pay $32.50 an hour now your saying our $32.50 incentive plan which one is it. That could be a world of difference

I am paying my techs \$23 how much would that translate to in Germany?


Your a cheapskate. We making $32.50 here

Does not mention an hour

Re: Underpaid Techs

I think we can safely assume it is per hr. I heard Europe pays way more than that

Re: Underpaid Techs

Don't count on only the wages. In most EU countries the average income tax is
at least 30% and the V.A.T. is about 25%. Gasoline is at least $8.50/US Gallon.

Re: Underpaid Techs

When I started I was making a Dollar an hour and all the glass I could eat. Am I dating myself?????? Fred Flintstone was a teenager!

Re: Underpaid Techs

When I started I was making a Dollar an hour and all the glass I could eat. Am I dating myself?????? Fred Flintstone was a teenager!

You sound like a OLD glass blower!!!!

Re: Underpaid Techs

I prefer attractively aged.

Re: Underpaid Techs

I would like to see a photo of your 32.50 pay check, anyone can spout off anything lets see the proof.

Re: Underpaid Techs

I prefer un-attractively aged glass blower.


Re: Underpaid Techs

Timothy J.
I would like to see a photo of your 32.50 pay check, anyone can spout off anything lets see the proof.

Whats your E mail Addy ?

Re: Underpaid Techs

My co worker makes 30.00 an Hour. Northeast here

Re: Underpaid Techs

ASAP Now your saying it's an hour? REALLY GUY I'm sorry but You just called a guy a cheapskate and it appears he pays double what you do. If your going to insult people the least you can do is set the record straight..

$32.5 times 3 jobs is = $97.50

$23 times 8 hr day = $184 per day

To make the same amount of money as the hourly employee the tech needs to do 5.6 jobs a day 5 days a week to equal the hourly employees 40 hour salary. Factor in cancellation, weather, wrong parts, not enough work for everyone, favoritism by the manager, you get hurt, you want to go on vacation , you need to take a few hours to go to the dr, exc and 5.6 is hard to do consistently. I know a lot of people can do this but before you take the deal count your completed jobs each week for the next month. Remember your only as good as the week, no carry over

In most occasions hourly pay is in better for the employee. The employee is guaranteed a salary. A salary the he/she can go to a bank and get a loan against because banks want to see stability.

Getting paid by the window (not saying this is the case because we cannot get a straight answer just insults) is really well for the employer because he/she only has to pay you when the job is complete. Also works well for hiring because they can take the highest grossing employee salary on his best week and allude to the fact the everyone is getting that. Don't believe me ask for a minimum guarantee. Outcome SAVES MILLIONS IN SALARIES AND OT TO THE COMPANY

Harvard Business review did a great piece (circa 1990's) on the PPP Safelite plan which you can buy for $30.00. It's old now but the thesis gives you really great insight to the pay per part way of business.

Re: Underpaid Techs

ASAP Now your saying it\'s an hour? REALLY GUY I\'m sorry but You just called a guy a cheapskate and it appears he pays double what you do. If your going to insult people the least you can do is set the record straight..

\$32.5 times 3 jobs is = \$97.50

\$23 times 8 hr day = \$184 per day

To make the same amount of money as the hourly employee the tech needs to do 5.6 jobs a day 5 days a week to equal the hourly employees 40 hour salary. Factor in cancellation, weather, wrong parts, not enough work for everyone, favoritism by the manager, you get hurt, you want to go on vacation , you need to take a few hours to go to the dr, exc and 5.6 is hard to do consistently. I know a lot of people can do this but before you take the deal count your completed jobs each week for the next month. Remember your only as good as the week, no carry over

In most occasions hourly pay is in better for the employee. The employee is guaranteed a salary. A salary the he/she can go to a bank and get a loan against because banks want to see stability.

Getting paid by the window (not saying this is the case because we cannot get a straight answer just insults) is really well for the employer because he/she only has to pay you when the job is complete. Also works well for hiring because they can take the highest grossing employee salary on his best week and allude to the fact the everyone is getting that. Don\'t believe me ask for a minimum guarantee. Outcome SAVES MILLIONS IN SALARIES AND OT TO THE COMPANY

Harvard Business review did a great piece (circa 1990\'s) on the PPP Safelite plan which you can buy for \$30.00. It\'s old now but the thesis gives you really great insight to the pay per part way of business.

and what about the 2 months off a year your forced to take????? Do you factor that in? I was told that techs work 10 month and 2 months off that they are on the Un employment

Re: Underpaid Techs

ASAP Now your saying it\'s an hour? REALLY GUY I\'m sorry but You just called a guy a cheapskate and it appears he pays double what you do. If your going to insult people the least you can do is set the record straight..

\$32.5 times 3 jobs is = \$97.50

\$23 times 8 hr day = \$184 per day

To make the same amount of money as the hourly employee the tech needs to do 5.6 jobs a day 5 days a week to equal the hourly employees 40 hour salary. Factor in cancellation, weather, wrong parts, not enough work for everyone, favoritism by the manager, you get hurt, you want to go on vacation , you need to take a few hours to go to the dr, exc and 5.6 is hard to do consistently. I know a lot of people can do this but before you take the deal count your completed jobs each week for the next month. Remember your only as good as the week, no carry over

In most occasions hourly pay is in better for the employee. The employee is guaranteed a salary. A salary the he/she can go to a bank and get a loan against because banks want to see stability.

Getting paid by the window (not saying this is the case because we cannot get a straight answer just insults) is really well for the employer because he/she only has to pay you when the job is complete. Also works well for hiring because they can take the highest grossing employee salary on his best week and allude to the fact the everyone is getting that. Don\'t believe me ask for a minimum guarantee. Outcome SAVES MILLIONS IN SALARIES AND OT TO THE COMPANY

Harvard Business review did a great piece (circa 1990\'s) on the PPP Safelite plan which you can buy for \$30.00. It\'s old now but the thesis gives you really great insight to the pay per part way of business.

Different person is posting from original ASAP not A.S.A.P. The periods used means its a different person. Reading is fundamental. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

The furloughs are not mandatory for technicians. Its a option offered during slow months. If they do decide to take it. They will be able to collect unemployment, with benefits. Most times they will be called back before the 2 month period.


What about all those people you put on unemployment when you went out of business? It was longer then 2 months wasn't it ?

Re: Underpaid Techs

Just pay me $27.50/hr + benefits and I am happy

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