Countdown Episodes * 70s & 80s Australian Music Programs * Music Video * Molly Trading * Collecting * Archival Information * Record/CD releases and more .........
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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
Just three more months to wait for our favourite time of the year for classic Countdown. A pity there are only four Saturdays this time around, but still .... let's hope they stack it with great Countdown episodes.
I've already emailed the Rage people and posted my Countdown requests on their Facebook site as I've done previously. My choices are....
21 February 1982 - Alex Smith
19 September 82 - Globos
28 November 82 - Tim Finn
22 May 1983 - no host
26 June 83 - Greedy Smith
18 September 83 - James Reyne
4 December 83 - Ross Wilson
26 February 1984 - Alex Smith
13 May 84 - Molly
15 July 84 - no host
Fingers crossed Rage play some of those as none exist in timecoded copies as far as I'm aware and have yet to be screened (plus I love that era too, so here's hoping!).
The more people request stuff the most we can get out of the once a year festival of classic music.
Here's my Countdown requests for Rage 2018 Retro season and there were:
September 29 1981 Wendy Stapleton (Wendy & The Rocketts) (standby program)
January 3 1982 Molly (Summer Special #3 New Zealand Invasion)
January 10 1982 Molly (Summer Special #4 Export bands)
28-Sep-1986 and 04-Oct-1986 Episode 528
I've still, still and still been waiting for my requests to be on Rage in ages.