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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
Rage clips WITH Rage captions ... ones we may have missed
I don't know about you, but I hate it when I miss a song on Rage I've wanted to see for ages. Thank goodness some people post clips online (of decent quality) so I can still see them ... WITH the Rage logo and song captions. I am so used to the Rage captions, I actually prefer them over no captions - weird hey? And I can't stand captions from any other show like MTV, Video Hits, and the like.
Anyway, I thought I'd start a thread of Rage clips (complete with Rage captions) so we can enjoy songs we may have missed, or may not have realised was ever on Rage. I look forward to what you guys find. Enjoy ...
Re: Rage clips WITH Rage captions ... ones we may have missed
"I am so used to the Rage captions, I actually prefer them over no captions - weird hey?"
Each to their own, I guess. I prefer clean copies myself. You didn't link to my copy of Famous People though... rage title intact but audio remastered!
Don't tell me you prefer hissy mono!!! Say it isn't so!