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Completed all Countdown episode guides on my website!!!

G'day all.

I have been for the past few weeks knuckling down hard completing the Countdown episode guides for my Countdown site http://1970scountdown.atspace.com/listmain.html which are the final years 1985 to 1987 and I have just completed them all today and have uploaded them to my site with accompanying YouTube clips!!!

It has been an 8 year work in progress due to work, trying to kick myself in the **** to do them lol, other commitments etc. but since giving my site a makeover in late 2009 I have been knuckling down much harder to get the episode guides completed and after doing the 1985 season I decided to finish off the 1986 and 1987 lists not long after and am happy I finally got them done!!!

So now they're all up there for you to see! I now have to start concentrating on locating info for the missing 70s episodes to complete the gaps in the 1975-79 listings.

Re: Completed all Countdown episode guides on my website!!!

Wasn't sure what you did on your site when you said that 'Now they're all up there for us to see' confused me as all the archival info has been on my website for 8 years.

Now I get that you included Countdown performances from You Tube next to the archived info.
Nice touch

Re: Completed all Countdown episode guides on my website!!!

Awesome Troy, on behalf of us all, a BIG THANKYOU for you hard work and effort. We really appreciate your commitment to our beloved Countdown!

Re: Completed all Countdown episode guides on my website!!!

Jason "The Moderator"
Wasn't sure what you did on your site when you said that 'Now they're all up there for us to see' confused me as all the archival info has been on my website for 8 years.

Now I get that you included Countdown performances from You Tube next to the archived info.
Nice touch

G'day Jason. Yep I'm aware you've had the episode listings on your site for many years, for me I decided to refine the listings into a common easier to read layout as the raw listings look very inconsistent in layout, messy and a bit jumbled. I bet the listings were made by a few different people which is to why the layouts are not the same.

Anyways people now have 2 valuable resources to obtain info on Countdown episodes :)

Re: Completed all Countdown episode guides on my website!!!

That's what ya get straight from the ABC.

I love the You Tube video's from Countdown performances attached, looks fab!!! :-)

Now hopefully the You Tube clips stay up as You Tube can be real nightmares with taking things down and users closing their accounts!

Re: Completed all Countdown episode guides on my website!!!

Hey Troy you have a great site - as does Jason of course!

Look forward to seeing the information on the missing 70s episodes - may make them easier to locate for those attempting to track them down - if hopefully anymore can be found!