I'm looking for a pressure plate for the 15L engine used on the 1928 Model 65. This model 65 uses a bell housing and according to Norm, was only used on that car that year per the sales catalogs. I've put out some emails to other Durantonians and have not had any luck as of yet but they're working on it with me. My engine is finished all but balancing the flywheel with the pressure plate and the one I had on the car had been repaired and welded before and cracked again. The engine shop does not recommend repairing it for safety reasons. The engine shop is not local but up in Ohio so I've asked them to get measurements and take some photographs which I will post when I get them. Frank W seems to think that this set up might have been used on maybe the 417 model but not sure. Since the Durants were an assembled car, there must be some other make or model out there that would have used the same set up. Anybody either have a 15L engine with the pressure plate I could use or any ideas on me finding one. As soon as I locate one, I can get the engine done and bring it home to put in my car after a complete rebuild. Any help would be appreciated!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door
I had the machine shop take some pictures of the pressure plate I need. They did some research and confirmed what Norm said, that it was evidentially used only on the 1928 model 65 it seemed. But ther might have been used something similar in later models or other makes of cars.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door
I'm sure it has occurred to you or your machine shop to check into adapting this part from something off the shelf. Maybe check with Clutch Masters and see if they have any ideas? Yeah, that repair job looks...interesting. Ross
Thanks Ross for your thoughts on this. Pill Peters suggested I contact Fort Wayne Clutch, which I did and they are checking into it for me. If I have to, I'll have one made, but I really would like to save myself some $$.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door