Durant Motors Internet Forum

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  Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.

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2 durants for sale

1929 has been restored, but wiring was not replaced before my dad’s passing. All the chrome has been refurbished to show Car quality.

1928. M2 is a super rare two-door model. To my knowledge, it’s the only one left in existence. It is restorable and its current condition.

Where Are You From? Hillsboro orey

Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes

Re: 2 durants for sale

I count at least 25 1928 M2 two door Durant's in the Registry.

Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario Canada

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan made by Dominion Motors


The Durant Motors Automobile Club