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Auto Lite Distributor 1922 info needed

On my distributor there is no place to hook up the spark advance from the steering column. I wonder if there is a piece missing on my distributor. Does anyone have a diagram of a IAY 4010A 3M.. For a 4 cyl. Durant

Where Are You From? Southern IL

Do You own a car built by Durant? yes

Re: Auto Lite Distributor 1922 info needed

I have a later model Durant that may be set up the same way as your model. The distributor has an arm that clamps to the housing neck near the base where it fits into the generator casting. The arm has linkage that attaches to the steering colunm.

Where Are You From? Hyattsville Md

Do You own a car built by Durant? yes

Re: Auto Lite Distributor 1922 info needed

Any chance of getting a picture of the arm on the distributor? If so send it flwwlf@hotmail.com be sure if you can send one mention in the subject line 1922 Durant. Thanks if you know of one for sale let me know..

Where Are You From? Southern IL

Do You own a car built by Durant? yes

Re: Auto Lite Distributor 1922 info needed

Consider buying another distributor core with a spark advance arm on it. Or just the advance arm.

Where Are You From? Southern IL

Do You own a car built by Durant? yes

Re: Auto Lite Distributor 1922 info needed

What make and model number is your distributor? mine is a Autolite IAY 4010A 3

Where Are You From? Southern IL

Do You own a car built by Durant? yes

Re: Auto Lite Distributor 1922 info needed

Hi Frank,

Like I mentioned in an email there are several different distributors our members are using in their A-22s.....Do a serch in the search block for...A-22 Distributor, Autolite Distributor, and Durant Distributor...If you are looking for a distributor having "manual advance" then probably you will need to look at distributors before 1928, centrifical and vaccume came a long after, I believe one of our members left a later model distributor loose in the bracket and turned the dist housing for advance (he definatly needed an external ground)

I have an early chevy Remy in my A-22 with a 13 tooth gear.

Where Are You From? Yuma AZ / Leavenworth, WA

Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes


The Durant Motors Automobile Club