Received this from Frank and am posting it on his behalf.
Hi, I own a Stromberg U2 carb. from a customer’s restoration project I worked on. I have cleaned and inspected it. The body is in very good shape. I am trying to find the application of these carbs and was told Durant cars used them. I am also told they are very expensive to purchase replacement body pieces as the bodies went bad. Number on the brass I.D. disc is 5418201 I am looking to sell this carb to someone that could use it. It will need new gaskets and the needle is missing otherwise it is in very good to excellent shape. Possibly you may know someone in your club that may need this carb. I am willing to sell this to someone that can use it. I found your Durant site so I thought I would write. I live in Upstate NY Thank you Don.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan by Dominion Motors
Incidentally, I do need a carb, but not this one. What I'm looking for is a replacement carb for my 1928 14L engine. It came with a Carter carb which appears to have been retrofitted from another car.
At the Sannonville meet last summer, someone mentioned to me that you can get a brand new carb from a lift truck manufacturer. I believe it was a Zenith. Any information about model number and supplier?
In any event, I would like to find a new carb as this Carter that came with the car is not reliable. It keeps flooding despite replacing gaskets, needle and seat, float level adjustment. It sometimes floods with just gravity feeding at 6 inches above the carb. That's low pressure, and yet, the float is absolutely free to... well float!
Hi Claude .. haven't forgotten you. Have you looked in DMAC under Teck Page and carbs Zenith for supplier in Calif I think. One of those was used on the Cumberland Museum's 1929 40 as donation from DMAC. May be wrong as it has
Zenith Fuel Systems LLC
14570 Industrial Park Road
Bristol, VA 24202
(276) 669-5555
Sales Fax (276) 645-8696
Ah you can use the info in Teck page to email them from there and ask questions etc. yes Calif is another outlet of theirs. Even Mississauga and Montreal addresses as well.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan by Dominion Motors
I use the new Zenith carbs on my 1929 14L. I wrote a review that is posted in the Tech Support section of the website. Frank Witkowski handles them now.
Hello Rick and thanks for the quick reply. I should have looked in the tech support first, but just after I wrote my request, I found your article. I'm contacting Frank just after I'm done with this reply.
After almost two years and over 1900 hours, my car should be ready this summer. I have about 400 hours to go, mostly upholstery and final tuning and touch ups.