We are working on the tech session at the Annual Meet in Staten Island. Roger and Bert will be the hosts of this event. Roger asked if those of you with questions about our cars (and how to keep them running) to let them know what you would like the tech session to be about. SO, if you are having an issue with your car-email me with your questions (pekisstuff@aol.com) and I will compile a list of the questions/concerns and make sure Bert and Roger know what you want them to target in their tech session. Gentlemen-IF you have any questions NOW is the time to have them addressed by two of our best experts on these wonderful vintage cars.
Again- my email is pekisstuff@aol.com. The tech session will take place the Friday afternoon of our meet-right after we get back from Old Richmond Town. The ladies will attend a "hands on" tea in the hospitality suite while the guys learn more about our cars