No that one will not open I got something about opening a Google account.
I've tried enlarging the engine pic with the oval decal on the canister but it just gets blurrier, you can't read it. Think its Filtrator in lrage print across the middle but top / bottom words ??
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Finally realized that when I got my 29's from Dave Schulte he gave me a manual to go with them. The manual has the picture of the engine with the filtrator showing. The pictue below is the best possible scan, but due to the fact that halftone printing was used originally there is only so much that can be teased out of the image. I think it is fairly clear that across the middle was HWFILTRATOR (see Trade Mark HWFiltrator link in one of my previous posts above). The picture below is blown up a bit too much, but if you click on the link below the picture and bring up the picture you can scale it up and down that helps some. Other than that, who knows
He Tom;
See if you can post it again or something, it did not come through. If I can get a decent picture, I'll have something to work with to try and copy it.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
I was looking through the Museum and noticed that there is a ten year index of the Durant Family Partner. In it there is a listing for "oil filtrator" Volume X, Issue 2, Page 9. That issue isn't online so I can't look at it. Is there anyone that has a copy of that issue who can see if there is anything in that article that might help with the decal?
Where Are You From? Grand Junction, CO
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star Coupe, 1929 Durant 663, 1929 Durant 666
Hi Tom, thanks for the posting. I manage the "virtual museum" and will someday have all the past copies posted there. It takes scanning each individual copy, converting it to the flip page program so it can be viewed and then creating the listing on the "virtual museum" site and uploading the magazine to the site. Takes some time and I've been busy with other things, but the good news is that I have a full set of the old club magazines here that were shipped to me by Bob Smith and will look though to find that issue and check it out. If it has more information I will post it. I think that I could probably figure out what was said on there, but the colors would be what I would like to get right. Maybe black and silver or some red in there. The units were supposedly painted black, so a contrasting decal probably would have been used. I'll keep looking.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
I checked out the Durant Standard - Volume 10 issue 2 page 9. The page shows a beautiful cut away picture of the HWOILFILTRATOR - H - W stands for Hall-Winslow . No picture of the decal.
We think that we have seen a B & W copy of the decal, but can't remember where. If we can find it we will post a copy.
Gord & Will
Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac built by Dominion Motors Ltd., Leaside, Ontario
Steve might get an idea from a canister that still has part on it. He's gone after the car info for the Registry and also a pic of the decal. From checking the owners addy the car seems to be in Sweden. Green Two Door 6 cyl Durant, no landau arms so not a 60. I think the vin plate as an L on it.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Hey Norm, this helps tremendously, looks like the decal was black, dark grayesh blue maybe with orange letters. Something to start with and I'll start working on it when I get the time. Thanks Again!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
I have been trying for sometime to figure out how to get Filtrator out of Norm's picture. I was searching around the other day and came across an ad in the September 22, 1929 issue of Automotive Industries found here:
(or search in google for "automotive industries september 22, 1928 brilliant advance")
What you will find there is that they apparently dropped the Filtrator name for 1929 and instead used H-W-FILTER with oil superimposed over the word filter (if you look closely at the black blob over FILTER you can see the word OIL). This lines up nicely with Norm's picture.
There is another ad in the same magazine for July 21, 1928 that uses the H-W-FILTRATOR both of these ads indicate that Rich Tool Company of Detroit Michigan is who sold the filters.
Maybe we are a bit closer to the decal
Where Are You From? Grand Junction, Colorado
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star Coupe, 1929 Durant 663, 1929 Durant 666
If we could get the measurements of the oval, and the height of the remaining letters, we could start to mock-up the graphics for a replacement. The miracle of modern computers and graphics programs!
Where Are You From? Yucaipa, CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1929 D60 R/S Coupe
Hi All: This was a great discussion of the oil filter for the 14L...but can anyone help me find a oil filter for the 22A and/or 40A Continental. Years ago I had 2 extra (got them from NAPA) that I sold off. Anyone got a idea?
I mentioned on forum a long time ago that Randy said he had canister filters. Since no one seemed interested I emailed Todd about them for the Plymouth lads. Todd Fitch
You'll find the various filters on his site under
Have no idea if Randy still has lots of them.
Minaker's Auto Parts(Milford) Ltd
3073 Cty Rd 10, Box 100
Milford, Ontario K0K 2P0
E Mail :
Specializing in hard to get parts.
Ph: (613)476-4547
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
Hey Tony, I will continue my quest to find a good picture or an actual one out there to use as a go by. I will get them made when I do. May take some time, but there must be one out there somewhere.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
Came across this the other day while searching the internet. Not great but the best I have found. At least it gives ideas about color etc. I can't find where the original pictures came from.