I sent my Durant motor to a machine shop for some minor work and cleaning. They pulled the camshaft out to assist in the block clean. When they put it back in they missed. The cam is no way near in time. I checked the owners manual for instructions and the ones there are rather basic. So, does anybody know how to set the cam timing? I'm used to more sophisticated motors with actual mark to time .., not this guy though.
The valve timing procedure #87 in the instruction manual should get you in the correct tooth contact....Be aware that the fiber cam gears have been known to loosen on the cam and could affect the valve timing....Ken Brink had an aluminum gear machined for his A-22.
What may be confusing in the valve timing method used in the A-22 Instruction manual is that in reality you are timing the engine on number 1 cylinder at T.D.C. "exhaust" stroke....I use the valve or cam lobe positions on #4 cylinder when assembling a 4 cylinder engine, then # one cylinder is on T.D.C. compression and IGN/Dist is ready to time.
Actualy, if you time the engine according to the book just remember to turn the crank one full turn then you will be on #1 compression....When timing your camshaft, two things must happen at the very same time, (1) #1 piston will be at the very top of its travel and (2) valves on #1 will just be "crossing" (exh. just closing, Int. just cracking) both lifters will be down....Just think of the pairs of cam lobes on your camshaft as being in a "V" cofiguration and the lifters are setting in the bottom of the V....It works for me.