Hello Members!
The Museum needs items of interest, photographs, magazines, radiator emblems, owner manuals, factory photographs etc on some of our associated cars. Check your collections, garages and filing cabinets for anything we could use to help educate the public on the cars and history of the cars. A list is below:
Locomobile 1922-1928
we'd like to beef up these sections of the Museum and and the museum's Library. If you have anything you'd like to donate, send and email letting us know what you have.
I came across a Instruction manual "for the operation and care of the Durant model A-22" at a swap meet. It's 31 pages plus cover and a foldout. It is in pretty good shape but not my car. Can the museum use it? - Don
Where Are You From? Port Hueneme, CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1930 Durant 6-14 Deluxe Sedan
Hey Don;
Sure can use it, just send it to the museum C/O me at my address listed in the contact us section to the left. I'll log it in, scan it and get it entered as an item and credit you for the contribution. There are lots of things like this out there that we can use in the museum's collection.
Haven't gotten any replies or contacts from anyone besides Don. Remember we are always looking for interesting things and I know that many of you members have things just collecting dust. Wouldn't you like to share the item with others and future generations?