I seem to recall a message on the web a few days back about some home made rust remover. I know it had ATF (automatic transmission fluid ) as one ingredien- but I cant remember the second ingredient. Can anyone tell me what it is? I know it is a half and half mix . have a feeling it is Acetone but not sure. Anyone remember this stuff?
Thanks -
Where Are You From? Kamloops B C Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1930 Durant-Deluxe rumble seat coupe- Model 614
My favorite rust removal product is Evap-O-Rust.
While it will work by rubbing it on ligthly rusted surfaces, for the tough stuff I let it soak overnight.
Where Are You From? Fremont, CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1929 Model 60 & 1931 Model 619
Sounds a lot like the "Ed's Red" bore cleaner I use for firearms.
But that is a 4 equal part mix: ATF (Dexron), Kerosene, Mineral Spirits, Acetone.
Works great for guns - as a cleaaner and corrosion remover/prevention. Adding lanolin adds long term corrosion protection. For just rust removal probably don't need all those things. My son uses white vinegar and it cleans rust off great.
I guess I wasnt very bright with this post--Frank got the right answer for me . I was looking for penetrating oil-Not rust remover. Sure got a lot of good info from this note tho--thanks to all the guys who replied.
Ken- I thought you were past the rust removal stage and into the reassembly process. So I thought you might be onto your next project! But I thought you'd need to take a break after the nightmare you've been through with this one. Anyway, Happy New Year. Ross
It was not a nightmare--Really it was a labour of love- I still have a lot to do to make it a really nice car-But it looks okay and drives well so I now have something to go to the car shows in
See you in San Diego