Sometimes it's nice to see some "works in progress".
Please share some of your "Treasures" with us.
I'll start off with a couple pictures in some of my garages.
The first group shows our 6-17, along side the Durant-Dort Blue Ribbon Buggy. The car behind it is a "barn fresh" (Complete with the chicken----)Ford Model T center door.
Enjoy, and please share some of your pictures......
Frank-Looks like you've got plenty of projects. Between you and Don Shilling you guys have enough iron mongering ahead of you to last at least a couple years.Ross ps- someone got a little overspray on the whitewalls on the 6-17.
Did anyone notice there are 2 generators on the 6-17? Someone was very inventive!
These pictures show a Star F touring, Durant 619, Star M roadster,Overland 4 touring, Star M sedan, Durant 70 sedan, and a whole lot of other collectibles (junk).
Time for the Texarkana Pickers (Don & Butch) to make another trip......
Wish I had a garage, all I have is a car port & I have to share that with the wife's minivan hahaha, No room to work on the old car, so for now its under wraps.
Where Are You From? Salem, Va
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1930 6-14 deluxe
Know what you mean Rory. Here's a before and after of my work space. We are not allowed garages, carports, parking in back yard, beside the house, sheds. Not even this. I think Dot has a passenger side and rear.
Well the before one anyway. I don't have the patience to fight Photobuckets freezing constantly. It took one and froze for second. Tried signing in 3 times and it just sits doing nothing for 45 min.
Added 3 ft to front of shed and moved side over 12 in so I could walk down the drivers side rather than climb on the bumper and slide down the fender.