Added pictures of Don Palla's 1925 Star Race car to Star Photographs section.
Added info and downloadable Registration and Agenda forms to Club Events page.
Added Four BIG events this year from Canada to Argentina to Club Events page!
Updated items and prices in Club Store.
Added annual roster to members only section.
Fixed broken links, found some new ones.
Thanks Rick.
l don't know if everyone realizes all your faithful work designing and maintaining and growing our club Website but it is a big job.
l have a web master that l have to pay every time l ask him to change anything.
l for one really appreciate all your faithfully classy good work and fending off the hackers as well.
Thanks a bunch Rick.
Lance Haynes
San Diego, CA
Thank you so much for adding the Canadian info to the Club events page. We have a new location for this years meet and a great area to tour. This is an invitational meet to various other clubs with like interests, so promises to be a great weekend. Just hope that a lot of our good friends from south of the border show up. Come and experience the Canadian hospitality.
Once again, Rick, thank you for all your help.
Gordon Curl,
Ontario Director
Rick- I'd like to echo Lance and Gordo in saying thanks for all you do with the website. I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure a lot of us are the same way, in saying that I can turn my computer on watch the pretty pictures come up. But anything from there on makes my head hurt. You do a great job! Ross
Much appreciation for all you do!!
Thanks so much for being here, and making us look Soooo goood! We all deeply appreciate your efforts..
We would not be if it wasnt for your hard work, and the long reach of the world wide web!
(I did not forget about the photos you need.. will get to it right after the partner is out)
Thanks for the kind words everyone, I appreciate it.
I've made more updates and repairs over the last three nights so you may find a broken link or two, if so reload the page you are on.
Most of the work had been to the Technical, Dort, DeVaux, Rugby, Frontenac, Locomobile and Events pages. I still have the Special Interest, Durant and 3/4 of the Tech page to go.