I've got a metallic tapping noise at the front end of my 15L. It is intermitent and seems to occur mostly after the car has warmed up. It sounds like when a fan blade hits the radiator. At first I thought it was a bad cooling fan bearing but today I removed the fan belt and ran the engine and the noise was there. Thought maybe the timing chain was loose so I loosened the gen bolts and made sure the chain was snug. I put a screw driver up to the timing chain cover and I can hear the rapping, mostly on the cam side. 1) Any thoughts? 2)How hard is it to pull the cover and if I do need a new chain, is one avail?
I had that metallic tapping after the engine got hot and it turned out to be valve lifter noise. I found it by running the engine with the valve cover off and applying downward pressure on the valve springs.
Valve clearence was .006 but weak springs and new valves kept 2 valves slightly open but not enough to cause a miss with a hot engine. I installed .050 shims under the valve springs to stop the tapping. I thought the noise was from the timing chain also
Just a thought??