Nosing thru Ebay I came across a 1926 Rugby for sale down under. This car has several unusual features that I noticed.
The engine side firewall is different than any M or F Star that I have ever seen. On the inside, the instruments are the same as a '26 Star or Rugby but the panel is different.
The body, being a two door should be a coach and sport the landau bars after the rear side window. Also, note the door is hung on four hinges instead of three.
The body side beads do not blend into the cowl in the normal manner.
Actually, the body looks more like an earlier F with the flatter top than a later, more rounded, M model.
The auction number is 160655182785.
Anybody have any ideas?
Where Are You From? Texarkana, Tex
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Star C touring, 1927 Star M coupe
Most Australian Rugby and Durant had locally made bodies built bodies put onto imported chassis and running gear.There were many body builders scattered around the country, hence it is possible for identical models to have different styling cues. I have never seen an Aussie car look the same as an American couterpart. I have seen another model R with the same body as the E bay car. ( I would call this body a 2 door sedan). My 614 sedan looks the same as American body at a glance, but closer ispection reveals slightly different styling line placement and 3 hinges per door. Sid