Last year I took my front axle to a machine shop and they set my camber to the apropos 1 degree positive camber (i.e. top further apart then bottom and with no car weight).
Theory says this should get me to 0 degree camber with weight on.
Some call me "St. Thomas" the disbelieving fool; so I .......
Built a tool to check things out and thought I might share this with members.
Firstly I laid a level 2 X 12 X 10ft board across my driveway.
Secondly, I got some light aluminium industrial electrical conduit and cut it so that I could place each corner under the 4 tire bolts (right against inner rim and under regular rim tire tabs)
Thirdly I bought the cutest level with digital read out (ie. of hinged foldout of level) at a hardware store for $ 150.00
Fouthly I put it all together, using my regular level as a straight-edge.
I include 2 pictures.
My camber, with car on ground) proved to be .3 negative degree, I think I will go with the .3 degree outage......
(Note : digital level readout at 90.3, was same on both sides)