I am on the hunt for woven webbing (flexible strap) material used with the Delco-Remy Lovejoy shocks on the 1928 D75. It is also the same size used in the Gabriel Snubbers (Cleveland, Ohio) on some of our cars. The original webbing size used was 1.25" wide by 3/16"(measures 0.195") in thickness. This width and thickness, to my knowledge, is not widely manufactured and therefore difficult to find in the correct sizes. Does anyone have this material or a source where it could be purchased?
Try Restoration Supply Company at www.restorationstuff.com. They have the webbing in various sizes and the correct material. I've dealt with them before and they are a good group of car guys.
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr