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Brass Durant ????

Hi All........

OK now that I've gotten your attention !

Cathy has decided that we need a "Brass Car"

Now Durant Motors never made one, but Billy Durant did.

I'm thinking about a Buick Model 10 @ 1908.

Anyone have any experience with or own one? Know of any for sale? Any other suggestions for a good brass car.

Thanks, See Y'all in Kalamazoo & Vancouver !!!!


Where Are You From? Hookstown Pennsylvania

Do You own a car built by Durant? a few

Re: Brass Durant ????

Dont know if this is anything like you are looking for but this guy has a 1911 McLaughlin touring 33 that has a lot of brass on it . He lives here in Kamloops and I have seen the car a few times. Looks pretty nice.
Gerry Wallin -- gwallin@telus.net
I am not sure but think he was talking of selling at one time.

Where Are You From? Kamloops B C Canada

Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes

Re: Brass Durant ????

Take a look at Rath Webster's 1925 Flint on our club web site. First car upper left on the Flint chart. l sold that car to Rath ''$13,000.00'' and l paid ''$14,000.00'' for it as l was going to restore it but had too many Star and Durant cars to Restore.
l converted it to 12 volt and detailed it real well and boy the front including the cowl lights and hub caps was real heavy brass. A real looker.
l may be able to get it for you. lt is a big touring car and has the San Francisco California top with beveled wood framed glass that slides back and for closed operation. l know it had some heating problems and Rath never drives it. lt is in pretty good shape too. lt is only about a hour away from my house in Ramona.
He used to be the president of our local Packard club. Let me know and l'll contact him.
Lance Haynes

Where Are You From? San Diego, CA

Do You own a car built by Durant? many

Re: Brass Durant ????

Hey Frank
I think cars considered brass cars are pre-1920 or so from what I know. The Model "T" last brass car I think was 1914. Ebay motors has several that are not that expensive, but if I were you I'd go for the early Buick if possible since Billy would have had something to do with it. I understand they were fine cars and quality built and I've seen them come up from time to time on the Ebay site. You can also start checking the Hershey auctions in October, as they have several that come up then. Remember though you have a lot of polishing to do on that brass.

Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr

Re: Brass Durant ????

hi ken
and interesting fact about Mclaughlin and his buggies. he was untill he started building cars the largest buggie and sleigh manufacture in canada.interestingly enough my star car is in storage directly acrost the road from his first barn were he assemled buggies and sleighs in Inneskilan ont,noth of Oshawa and about half a mile from his farm were he lived till his death.his cars were of excellent quality.
missed you last time in the loops.

Where Are You From? victoria bc

Do You own a car built by Durant? 26 star

Re: Brass Durant ????

Almost Mike ... 1917 was the new look to Ford T's with pressed steel rad shell, hood to cowl and crowned fenders. 1st time nickel plating on the hub and rad caps. Tranny cover cast iron rather than aluminum and pedals now smooth surfaced but rubber pads were available. Spindles 1/8 inch longer to better accommidate roller bearings. (however the roller bearings could replace the ball bearings of the earlier Fords

Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan

Re: Brass Durant ????

Hi Frank,
The Model 10 Buick would be a great one to have. Always did like the real brass cars. If you run up on 2 let me know..Good luck....


Where Are You From? Four Oaks, NC

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant Touring

Re: Brass Durant ????

You should attend the New London to New Brighton car run in August each year. Lot's of REO's, Curved Dash Olds, Maxwells, and Cadillacs. For a while, some of the drivers were as old as the cars, but not anymore. I met Jeff Gillis and his wife with their 1915 Maxwell at the start on a couple occasions.

Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes

Re: Brass Durant ????

Hi Frank,
Great choice as Brass (pre 1916), especially early Buicks are beautiful and very popular! GOOGLE the HCCA (Horseless Carriage Club America) web site. Click on their "Classifieds" link then go to the "For Sale" list...this is a Great club with a great site and teriffic info on the Brass autos. This For Sale link gives good info on prices and availabilty; of cars, parts, etc. I have used it myself, Very Neat!!

Previously I was involved in and looking at a Brass car too as I really like the Looks, History, etc. of these early cars. But these cars are now 100 years old or approaching that age quickly and therefore RARE; also Read expensive, hard to drive, and of limited use!

Now for the bad news; Brass is very expensive at $15K-$30K entry, more Desirable models are at $60K, to $80K up to $100K with Very Desirable ones up to $175 or over $200K. Again this gets you a car that needs constant care, has no parts available, is hard to drive, and of limited use, etc. Sorry, but that's why I passed!

However Frank today on this site there is a nice 1908 Buick M-10 Runabout,white in color all ready to go now for only $32K, by Robert Nice located in Michigan,Tel; (616) 971-0188. Pictured on the site.

I really too love these old Brass cars. BTY there is a great Brass Flea Market in Oklahoma (Chicasaw?) held every Spring that you should really check out. This is a real fun meet and again they have a very neat web site!

Hope this helps you and the club out,
Lance C.

Where Are You From? Niceville Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 28 Locomobile 8-70, 25 Loco JR-8 Brougham, 26 Loco JR-8 Sedan, and JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan

Re: Brass Durant ????

Hi All.....

Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I've been on all the websites and Clubs mentioned. Have similar threads going on the AACA and Brass Buicks site.

The good news is there are a few out there for sale. Got some very good leads and talked with some very helpful people. Looks like Cathy will get her wish. Now she needs to decide between a touring or roadster!

See Y'all in Kalamazoo and Vancouver.....

Frank ---

Where Are You From? Hookstown, Pennsylvania

Do You own a car built by Durant? 17 Durant & Star cars & a Durant Dort buggy (one horse power)

Re: Brass Durant ????

Here's a guy stepping through the restoration of his 1910 Buick 2 cyl.


Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes

Re: Brass Durant ????

Hi CDMN.....

Thanks for the great link.

Now that guy has a Garage!!!

Frank ---

Where Are You From? Hookstown Pennsylvania

Do You own a car built by Durant? a few

Re: Brass Durant ????

CDMN, Frank, All,
Yes this is a nice link on the 1910 Buick, You have gotta love his garage with the Full Machine shop,crane,etc.! However his major "Parts Problems" remind me a lot of our 20's Locomobiles!!! Parts (or even other cars) are just not there anymore! In 2 years I have only found 12 junior Locos,(including mine) world wide, and only 2 fully restored/running.

Like I said in my earlier post it's even harder to find parts for these 100 year old Brass cars. Especially when there is missing items or major damage, as in his Cylinders(ouch!). True even for a "nice" Museum car stored and sitting for 50 years. This car is maybe Unfixable(??) unless he casts 2 new Cyls. and probably why it was just sitting so long.

As we all know (unfortunately!) it's sometimes much better to buy one restored and running! Maybe actually cheaper too. Sad but true.

I liked his body lifting ideas, and the body-dolly. May use it on a 61 Corvette I picked up over the Winter. Body needs to come off to roll a restored chassis under it now, so I can restore it's frame/chassis, then switch all out again later. Fun,Fun!

If Anyone has got Loco parts under their beds or in the back woodshed, If so please, please call me, ha,ha!

Lance C.

Where Are You From? Niceville Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 28 Locomobile 8-70, 25 Loco JR-8 Brougham, 26 Loco JR-8 Sedan, and JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan

Re: Brass Durant ????

What a garage. Makes my 2 1/2 car suburban garage look miniscule. And I have 4 cars parked in it. No room at all to work. Have to move one out to do anything. Makes for no working during these winter months.
You can see from the cracked waterjackets, why this car was parked so many years ago and how come it is in such good looking shape.
Oh my, we mustn't covet our neighbours' possessions. Happy Valentines day to all.


Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac

Re: Brass Durant ????

Hi All....

Here is a 1908 Buick Model 10 made by Billy.

I'm working on a new home for this car....


As found earlt 70's




Where Are You From? Hookstown Pennsylvania

Do You own a car built by Durant? a few

Re: Brass Durant ????

Frank, All,
This 08 Buick Model 10 is a very nice Brass Buick that you are looking at! How about a model "like it"?

In the latest issue of Hemmings Classic Cars magazine; #79, April 2011, on page 15 they have a note and Picture on a new "Brass" model car by CSM of a 1913 Buick Model 25 Touring, which is very much the same as you pictured (or now possibly yours!).

It is in 1:18 scale with; White body, Black top & Interior, but Red frame & susp. However it might be the photo but the trim looks more like "chrome". Also the Headlights & Coach lights look to be later Elec. reflector type than the earlier Gas ones, and the fenders too are a later type than on the 08 Model 10. So lots of changes from 08 to 13, but still a nice model.

This highly detailed (leather straps, cloth top, detailed Susp & Brakes, and wood base) model is very nice but "pricey" at $149.99, but the article says "worth the price". Limited production is only 1000 units.

I thought that you might be interested too, in this "smaller model" Brass Buick touring:
For more info call (800)829-1520, www.DiecastAuto.com

Lance C.

Where Are You From? Niceville Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 28 Locomobile 8-70, 25 Loco JR-8 Brougham, 26 Loco JR-8 Sedan, and JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan


The Durant Motors Automobile Club