You might be interested in a page and a half about Willian C Durant's history in
Just put in the year or years you wish to look at and Durant, or Star, etc and Citizen or Ottawa Citizen. (no charge to look at this paper from the 1800's and up.
What We Have Done In The Us
Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive - May 6, 1922
Durant Motor Co of Now York Inc Aug 4 1921 First Durant car placed on York 1921 Sales Manager issues sworn statement showing contracts deposits and shipping ...
Bottom half of page 8 gives dates of shipments etc US plants.
I discovered Canadians bought and owned Leaside Jan 14 1931 under Jan 14 1931 item and not later in the year I understood we had.
Canadians Owners Of Durant Motors .
Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive - Jan 14, 1931
will in the hands of an investment group of Canadians Mr Kerby said but it is not the Intention that this change in control will at the present time make ...
Interesting going though the paper if you had time with pics of the models in ads and info.