It is absolutely amazing what people used to do to get something up and running.
It would really be great if a section of this web page could be organized to document the various alterations we've come across in Star and Durant cars. Maybe even other makes if unusual enough. I think I could come up with a few pics.
Firstly, Don Shilling forget your steering box comment, the steering box used on Star/Nash was the Nash's.
Points :
0. Head is stamped as Sept 1926
1. Exhaust port is at front of engine.
2. Has a dipstick (in lieu of cork and wire)
3. Fan & Crank pulleys are for a V-belt
4. Distributor is made of steel and not pot metal and condenser is on outside of distributor.
The rad cover emblem says "Durant Six", although its a 4 cylinder so I do realize this car may be a collection of Durant cars along with Nash (1936) components....
My Star (on the salvage job)
Distributor #1
Distributor #2
Fan Pulley # 3
Exhaust Manifold :
My Star with new Rad core:
Where Are You From? peace river alberta
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Model M Star Touring