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Referance books

I recently went into an antique mall and found two volumes of "Dykes" Automobile And Gasoline Encyclopedia. These books are about 1000 pages each. There are so many things about how to maintain and methods of how to do certain things like changing tires, wheel repair etc.
It's a wealth of information but has to be taken with a grain of salt as the copy write is the 1920's. My question is are there other books of this type out there as I find it hard to get info for my D65. If anybody is interested I would be happy to look up and scan info on select subjects.

Re: Referance books

Do they have any specific information about Locomobiles from the mid 20's or the Junior 8 model in particilar?

Is this the only set of these books they had, or possibly an additional set for sale? I'm interested for my reference library.

Thanks much,
Lance C.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 26 Locomobile JR-8 Sedan and 26 JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 410 Special Deluxe 4Dr.

Re: Referance books

I have two of those books 1928 and 1943 edition's I've had from the 60's. Loco has a few mentions but not much, Durant stick shift only, and Star a couple of mentions only.

They sure didn't get into much by Durant products. They are great books for general info about almost anything to do with a car, truck or tractor. Even aircraft motors in the 1943 one. Common cars lots of info, like T and Chev.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 Sedan

Re: Referance books


They published these books each year for many years. I have a couple that I refer to now and then. Mostly they are quite generic but have a lot of useful information. There is one on eBay right now out of Australia - 14th Edition (1925) item 200285280847 Looks in quite good shape, missing the dust jacket.

Do You own a car built by Durant? Frontenac 1932

Re: Referance books


Re: Referance books

Thanks for the replys. I'm glad to see that other people find it interesting. I was a bit unsure of the contents at first but they are a great reference.

Re: Referance books

Gary and you bought it new ??

As Gord says its mainly generic but lots of usefull info. I think all they did was move the same info forward year to year. Perhaps add some and delete others. Pics of different touring dashes look teens type cars. The 43 one I have has a 2nd section as an addendum so you have to use two indexes. Think free wheeling was in that 2nd part.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 Sedan


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