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Passing of Beverly Rae Kimes

I just found out from the AACA web site that Beverly Rae Kimes passed away May 12th. Her book "The Standard Catalog of American Cars, 1805-1942,” “The Star and the Laurel” and “Packard: A History of the Motor Car and the Company.” as well as being the longtime editor of Automobile Quarterly are the bibles of the antique car world. She was also on the DMAC Mailing list and always had an interest in Durant and his cars. I had been corresponding with her about the production of my book on the Durant Motors Corporation and she was extremely helpful up until March when she said she was to sick to continue our correspondence. A very knowledgable lady in the antique car world for sure.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Model 65 4dr

Re: Passing of Beverly Rae Kimes

My parents had friends. The father was Ray Kimes. The family had several girls. One was named Beverly. I have always wondered if Beverly Rae Kimes was from this family. I remember them visiting my parents in Richmond, CA. and they had a huge 56 Lincoln. I wish I had had the chance to check with her regarding this. Either way, it is sad to see someone with such knowledge and ability to write regarding this knowledge passing away.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 29 Model 60

Re: Passing of Beverly Rae Kimes

Beverly was a real class act. The best automobile writer ever bar none. When I tracked her down in New York mainly to get her into our Durant club offering her a free honorary membership she said she wanted to pay dues and help us. I tried to talk her into speaking at one of our national meets but her health would not permit it. Talked to her many times and e-mail as well and bought many of her books from her husband Jim. He had a book store , kind of a warehouse I guess over in Pennsylvania. She has won all the top honors for automobile writing there is. The latest great book she wrote took about 10 years of research "Pioneers, Engineers & Scoundrels" I highly recommend and our man Durant is all over in there and my all time favorite is her great story on our man
Billy titled "Hurrah for the Big Little Man" in the August 2000 Automobile Quarterly Vol 40 No 3.
You can still get the edition new for $25.00 call 800-523-0235 A wonderful line on the first page by her "Having admitting to a crush on the man for over three decades , I shall herewith try and to convince a few of you, dear readers,
to become a Billy Durant groupie , too. A real big loss for automobile historical writing , I for one have lost a great friend. She died way to young as she was one year younger than me.
Sadly Lance Haynes San Diego

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