I have a lead on a standard coupe here --Am Going to check it out tomorrow . Hopefully it will have a lot of the parts I need for my deluxe coupe --body parts should be the same and maybe some trim will be there for me .At least I think the wood work will be in it --so I will be ahead with some patterns to build from. If anyone needs running gear and other things I will have some soon I will post an ad when I see what there is
Hello gord---wheels were great --they are on the car with tires all mounted
This car I looked at is in bad shape - long drive for nothing. The frame is there and the doors --( I would take the drivers door if I can get it for a reasonable price) but other than that --only the axles and wood spoke wheels are there with the roof and cowling . No fenders -nothing from cowling forward and nothing fron the back window to the rear. I think he has the engine at home with some of the components( starter generator etc ) will let you know more when I talk to him-( I just got home from the trip and havent talked to hom yet) Looks like the brake rods and cables are there but they are likely siezed up being out on the weather all the time --Not evn a tarp over the poor thing.
The roof looks good and the cowling too--Frame would probably be okay . I will phone him tomorrow and see what kind of deal O can make --He told me he wanted 600 fot it --thats too much for what he has to offer . I will dicker and see what I can do then maybe between the two of us we can swing something
Talk to you later