Hello members. Haley Has been put behind by a lot of members being late submitting there items and photos and this is a special dedicated and extended color photo edition of our annual club meeting in New Jersey. Now the real killer is our faithful contact man (Tim) at US Printing in Los Angeles quit and they refused delivery of Haley’s CD with the whole magazine on it. She had made some real special efforts to get this magazine wrapped up before her prepaid flight across the US to her family in Atlanta last Friday and overnighted it to the same printer as usual. So now the printer feels bad and is going to drive all the way across LA to Haley’s apt. and try and get the CD tomorrow morning (Christmas Eve) as her Girlfriend is still living there at her apt. So they are under orders to fast track our magazine and who only knows when we get it. Member Brent Veligan is patiently waiting by up there in LA to go retrieve them and apply the mailing labels that faithful Judy Woodard is making up and mailing to Brent. Stay tuned we are doing everything humanly possible to get this edition out to you. Sorry. Have a wonderful Christmas please. Later Lance Haynes
Lance, Haley & Others
I wouldn't get too concerned about a late magazine. With all the hatred that there is in the world today, and the problems that some of those in the wide world are facing this Christmas, we do not need to add to it by complaining about a late magazine.
It is a tough thing to edit and publish a magazine, when you are dealing with all volunteers and members of the club who are busy in their own right. I will be pleased to get the magazine later in January.
We need to give thanks for living in a part of the world where we can speak our mind and not get incarcerated.
I, speaking for the Canadian contingent, wish you and all the members of the club, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
Let us give thanks, and wish for PEACE ON EARTH.
Since I am one of the individuals that was late in not only getting an article written, but also getting the photographs sorted out for this issue, I would like to appologize for any tardiness that I contributed.
I always look forward to my copy of the Durant Partner, but I am especially looking forward to this issue because it contains the stories and photographs of the Seventh Annual DMAC Meeting in NJ.
Better late than never I always say. Jeanne and I want to wish everyone in the Durant club a very wonderful Christmas and a great new year. We took the Durant out this morning and delivered presents to my sister, her kids and some friends. Weather is good hear the northwest this year so that was fun!
Good news fellow members and ladies. The December Durant Partner went to press today after a lot of trouble. The original disc had flaws that the printer could not fix. So I ask them to mail it to our able computer expert and club Webmaster Rick Botti up in Northern California. Haley has been back in Atlanta Georgia on a extended Christmas vacation. Rick did not have the special software to work with it so had to get a inexpensive version off the internet with no manual or instructions and take two days off work and learn the software and get the disc all squared away and mailed it back to US Printing in Los Angeles and they proofed it yesterday and are now printing up our 500 magazines. Since all this took so much time our able Sec/Treas. Mike Larsen up in Washington state finally got his nice preprinted dues envelopes and mailed them to me and we Fed Ex ed the whole box full up to member Brent Velligan (new Durant Partner circulation manager) in northern LA so he can include them in our nice large mailing envelope that will have the magazine and our 8th annual meeting Santa Rosa flyer in it as well. So I think the wait will be well worth it as this magazine is a special collector edition. It should be mailed from Los Angeles no later than Thursday afternoon or Friday AM. Sincerely Lance Haynes
Having seen a proof of portions of December 2004 issue of the Durant Parnter, I think the membership will enjoy the content.
For those that attended the Annual Meeting in NJ, there are lots of photographs, and many articles about the activities that occurred during that weekend.
I know that we are looking forward to receiving our copy of the Durant Partner.
I received my copy of the Durant Partner yesterday. The many folks who worked hard to get this issue out to us are to be commended for all their efforts. Well done!!
I had hoped to have my latest NOS urethane parts listed but missed out in this issue. Be reminded that I have W5 motor mount pads, hood latch pads, door stops, and very soon, front spring pads available. I hope to have rear spring pads produced when I have recouped the costs of set-up for the front pads. Just email me for info.
Mac Irvine 519-821-2576
Got my issue just two days ago. Another great issue. Thanks to Haley for a great job. I always enjoy browsing through the magazine to read up on all the latest news< check the want ads and see if I can find something to buy for my car. Dont really find much but hope springs eternal I have heard . I will keep on looking and sooner or later will have all the pieces I will need .
Great work Haley --its a good magazine