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How do you download files if the website has an expired domain?

The files are there, the address is expired though. If I click on page it will say expire website... Is there a way around this?

Re: How do you download files if the website has an expired domain?

try loging in and go to your file manager and download files

or try ftp possibly but that may not work.

you can't see ANY PAGES because YOUR DOMAIN has expired or your hosting both.

So until you renew them

You should always have your files backed up on your computer and more for cases like this or if you accidentally delete something

But the ways above are only ways to see your files you have etc. If you have to download any files like images or such things

But you do need to renew the domain if you are still wanting your website and more or even your hosting if that is about to expire or anything and as said BACK UP YOUR FILES on your computer