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"Paid hosting users can change the default setting by using an .htaccess file."

What is this and how do I use it ? have got so many links not working, pictures missing..!

Re: upgrade

It will almost certainly be easier to go through your site and fix the mistakes. For instance, on your Welsh Ladies Senior Team News, you try do display an image called:
The real file name is

Some of the mistakes are harder to guess, but you don't have to guess, since you have access to the real file names for all of them.

Re: upgrade

I have spent about 3 hours on that particular site doing amendments. I think that Bravenet have not been helpful enough on this one. luckily my own sites have not so much info on.

Why was htm changed to html?
why was jpg changed to JPG ?

I don't think it was needed as a lot are still original html or htm or jpg or JPG

Re: upgrade

you quoted mistakes.

These are not mistakes they changed overnight and were done by Bravehost

Re: upgrade

It will almost certainly be easier to go through your site and fix the mistakes. For instance, on your Welsh Ladies Senior Team News, you try do display an image called:
The real file name is

Some of the mistakes are harder to guess, but you don't have to guess, since you have access to the real file names for all of them.

He did not do this the site was ok a couple of days ago

Re: upgrade

We didn't change your files, we change mod_spelling.

We've recently changed the default setting for Mod_speling from enabled to disabled. This module attempts to correct misspellings or CaSe SeNsItIvItY of URL's that you might have made. If you've noticed that some links or images have recently stopped working, this is why. The issue is that there is a typo or incorrect case somewhere in the link you've created. Previously this would have been automatically fixed by the server, but now you're going to have to go in and correct those mistakes. Paid hosting users can change the default setting by using an .htaccess file.

For example, you have your image: DSCF9173.JPG.

Previously, if you placed your image on your website and had it like this - DSCF9173.jpg - it would work. But now you need to make sure to code it as DSCF9173.JPG.

The same thing goes with index.htm - if you type it index.html before, it would work. But now you have to type in index.htm - or vice versa.

We didn't go in and touch your files, you had a typo and have had it all along. Now we have changed some settings that is no longer fixing typos for you.

And don't think you are alone - even my own Bravenet websites are missing images! But it is quick and easy to fix.

We also do not recommend messing with a .htaccess unless you know EXACTLY what you doing. .htacess can render your site un-usable if you type in the wrong code. If you only have a few broken links or missing images we suggest editing the typos manually.

Hope this helps,

Re: upgrade

Might as well rebuild it

Re: upgrade


I am confused as to why you think you need to rebuild your site? It looks fine to me.


Re: upgrade

Mine is but it is Mal Parry's that I am correcting as it used to be one of mine and I have a bit more time than him

Re: upgrade

the one that is showing now I have done about 100 up to now

Re: upgrade

Read your explanation again and I apologies for my comments. I will have to teach him better next time