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Left side is now on the right.

The column that use to go down the left side of my site:

Is now on the right side. It is like this on every page in the sight. Any ideas?

Browser: windows explorer

OS: windows xp pro

Re: Left side is now on the right.

I've got the same problem Bob, and my sub text boxes only appear on the right (when they should be on the left) when I delete all the text from the main text area. I logged it with Bravenet 14 hours ago, they were trying to get the issue resolved! Obviously it's 4.15 a.m. Canadian time so nothing will be resolved for about another four or five hours!!

Re: Left side is now on the right.

It look like, at one point, you followed the "new layout" link in the Website Wizard and clicked on the layout with the sidebars on the right. Then you went back through "new layout" and selected the layout with the sidebars on the left. I just tried this myself on my test site. And guess what? You have found a bug in the Website Wizard. At one time, this worked just fine. But now, once you switch the sidebars to the right side, you can not make them go back.

My guess is the Bravenet has been "fixing" the Wizard, without letting anyone know and without fully testing their changes. I have seen a lot of complaints about the Wizard in the past few days. It's time to send your complaints directly to Bravenet.

You can see the latest change in the web page code. Below is a clipping from a test page. The first line with id="extraContents" is new to the Wizard. You can see that it has a in-line style setting, rather than being included in the style sheet, "style.css". To me, the use of a in-line style is very strange for Bravenet's Wizards. Up to now they have relied heavily on the style sheet to manage all of the layouts.

<span style="font-weight:bold;"><div id="extraContents" style="float:right"></span>
  <div id="extraContent">
    <div class="contentContainer">
    <strong>Change This Text</strong><p>This is a small self-contained content section. You can change this to whatever you like.</p></div>
  <div id="userLinks">
  <div id="extraContent2">
    <div class="contentContainer">
      <strong>Change This Text</strong><p>This is a small self-contained content section. You can change this to whatever you like.</p></div>

You can use the Text editor in the File Manager and change the style setting from "float:right" to "float:left". This will move the sidebar information back to the left side. However, this is not recommended. As soon as you go back to the Wizard and use the "publish website" link, the sidebars will be back on the right.

Open a trouble ticket with Bravenet. If this problem affects two of us, it affects everyone that uses the Wizard.

Browser: Firefox, Netscape, Sea Monkey, Internet Explorer, .....

OS: Solaris (Sparc,x86), Linux, XP

Re: Left side is now on the right.

Bravenet are working on the issue now. They have found the problem as they have just sent me a message to update me on my problem!!

Re: Left side is now on the right.

Wizard issue should be resolved now. If you are still having problems you will need to re-publish.
