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Difference between Windows 7 and XP

I am using Windows & and I like it. However, one thing frustrates me. I have music playing in the background through Ripway. It plays on my computer with Windows 7 but does not play on three other computers we checked all with XP. However, music placed in the Bravenet Music files plays when going to that directory no matter what machine and what operating system is used.

To complicate it further, I tried uploading the new song but was not able to create a mp3 file. Only a MP4. I changed the name of the file to MP3 and it plays when I enter the music directory but when I placed the coding on the site nothing plays, regardless of the operating system. Whatever suggestions you might have will be appreciated. Thanks, Tim

Re: Difference between Windows 7 and XP

Suggestions? Play music where music is appropriate. Don't put it on webpages unless you are a composer or performing artist.

I now realize why I had to use the stop button the first time I visited. Do you know how long it takes to download a 7.9 megabyte sound file? Most visitors will be gone before that happens.

Re: Difference between Windows 7 and XP

I am the composer of the song.