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error 403

I made some small text changes to my site and republished it.
Now I am unable to access my site.
I have an error 403 and unauthorised access notice.
I am well beloew my allotted limits.
Any advice will be greatly received. Thanks.

Browser: IE8


Re: error 403

your homepage needs to be index.html

so if you named your homepage something else rename to index.html

that is the page it is trying to find

or could be you are over the 5mb limit for free hosting

Re: error 403

Thanks for your help.
All you have mentioned is correct but still not joy.

Browser: IE8


Re: error 403

You may have exceeded your space allowance.

Browser: firefox

Re: error 403

As said if it is a factor you are over the 5mb limit if you have free hosting then go through and see if have any huge files like images

Sometimes people put up lots of images without optimizing them: resizing them to an appropriate size to go on their webpages and that can use up your space quickly

also if the other issue that you have no index.html page in your root directory then you need to

either rename whatever your homepage link is to index.html

Bravenet made changes here a month ago with their space allotted for their free hosting from 50mb to 5 so that limits you from what you could have

Then after you have gone through and taken out any files that may be too big or anything republish your index.html page