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Santanta Regiment Forum
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LZ Oasis, 6th/14th, Oct 30th, 1970

Hello and Welcome Home Veterans and Soldiers,

I have met a Vietnam Vet that fits the description listed in the subject, (LZ Oasis, 6th/14th, Oct 30th, 1970), in case you're too lazy to go look. He's just about saved my life from me and my demons. We were telling war stories and battle wounds and got to googling stuff and came across the page. He's very off the grid now, no computer, no facebook, etc. So, I had to explain to him that all the men he knew were here, he fell back and I kinda had to exfil. Brothers, if you can, help me, help him. As of now he doesn't want me saying his name, hell, he doesn't even want/know that I'm reaching out. He's given me a huge box of pictures and letters that he wants me to get out there for people to see. This wasn't my war, it's not my story, they aren't my pictures.

So, the details, I'm central Virginia. The signature line will have my contact details. Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss this, or hell, to even shoot the ****. Mind you I screen calls I dont know the number, so leave a message please. I'm young, so I text preferably. I love you men, and again, Welcome the **** home.

Semper Fidelis,

Andrew McInturff
OIF 2007-2008
OIF 2009
Work Cell- (804)495-5874
Home (804)492-4110

800 Clement Town Road
Powhatan, VA 23139.

I think I covered everything. Off to sit my best friend tonight. A year ago today he became a statistic, one of the 22.