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Santanta Regiment Forum
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Today marks 50 years since the end of my Vietnam service. I am proud to have served our great nation. I probably actually left RVN a day or two before Sept 16. Crossing the International Date Line always confused me a bit.

The past 50 years brought many blessings to my family from our Lord. When I departed for Vietnam, I left my bride, Jean, less than 3 months after we were married. Last year we celebrated our 50th anniversary. The marriage produced two wonderful children, a daughter, Alene, and son, Jamie. Some of you met Jamie when he attended two of our reunions. Alene and Jamie are married and have families of their own. They have given us four beautiful grandchildren. We are extremely grateful that both children, and their respective spouses, love and serve their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We are about to enter a new phase of our lives. Those of you who know me will probably remember that I am a life-long New Yorker. Well, times change. We are in the process of moving to North Carolina to be nearer grandchildren.

We look forward to seeing some of you at our next reunion.