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Neurological diseases of Veterans

Have any 14th Regiment members of the Viet Nam War or the following wars
- conflicts following been diagnosed with a neurological disease possibly
service connected? Has anyone been awarded benefits if so?

Re: Neurological diseases of Veterans

I may need to expand on my post above.

An unusual number of Viet Nam, Gulf War, Iraq War and Afghan Veterans
are being diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and PLS
(Primary Lateral Sclerosis) and other neurological disorders.

These numbers are significantly higher than those who did not serve
(civilians). Many are eligible for service connected compensation.
Unfortunately many are being misdiagnosed by VA Med facilities and
civilian facilities. However, an accredited link has been established.

If you develop a limb weakness, balance issue or rather than me listing
all the onset signs look up ALS and PLS. If something seems fitting to you
you may need to be seen by a neuromuscular specialist. Too often Prime
Care doctors will write it off as being stress related. ALS and PLS are
progressive diseases. The progression may be slow or may be as short
as 5 to 7 years being terminal. It’s important to be seen by a qualified
neuromuscular specialist because there are several diseases that mimic
ALS and PLS a regular doctor may consider and want to follow up on
wasting valuable time.

The earlier ALS and PLS are discovered better are the chances
progression can be slowed. These diseases are difficult to diagnose.
Originally they thought I had Chiari Malformation Syndrome.

I have been diagnosed with a form of ALS. The PVA (Paralyzed Veterans
of America) established my benefits in just a matter of weeks.

Thought I’d share this information.

Re: Neurological diseases of Veterans

I guess I had better follow up on this. I have been diagnosed with a rare disease.