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50th Anniversary of FAOBC

2 of my classmates at FAOBC and I are talking of a visit of Ft. Sill to commemorate 50 years of friendship that started at Ft. Sill. All three of us went to Viet Nam and two of us served in 1/14 Artillery there. I was wondering if we might be able to visit the 1/14 while we are there. I am a retired LTC so I will have post access. The other two got out after Nam, so what would they need to get access. We don't have a date set yet, but it will be in the summer of 2018. Any help we can get to make this happen will be appreciated.

Re: 50th Anniversary of FAOBC


Visiting 1/14 FA shouldn't be a problem when you hold your reunion. I suggest contacting the Battalion Commander, LTC John Auten ( a few weeks before your event. He and the staff will be able to help you gain post access for your group.

Dave Termin
Webmaster, 14th Field Artillery Regiment Association

Re: 50th Anniversary of FAOBC


Re: 50th Anniversary of FAOBC

I just checked to the web site and saw the 1/14 is deploying to the Mid-East. I guess that will quash our plans to visit the unit this next summer. Will there be a rear detachment left at Ft. Sill while they are gone?