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Group Picture "A" Btry 2Bn 14th 1967 Pinder Barracks Germany

Is there anyway to enhance the group picture posted on the home page of The A brty 2 Bn 14th Artillery 1967.
The picture is out of focused and when you zoom in you still can't recognize anyone.
I would even pay for having the picture redone. After 49 years and no contact with anyone from my old unit maybe I could see the names and faces of those guys and I could start looking some of the up.
Many Thanks Dennis McMillian

Re: Group Picture "A" Btry 2Bn 14th 1967 Pinder Barracks Germany

Dennis--There's not a lot of control over the size of pictures displayed on the website. The quality of each photo displayed is determined by the quality of the source photo. I will attempt to download the source photo and e-mail that to you. No promises on how clear or readable it will be. This may take a few days. Please be patient.

David Termin, Webmaster