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Santanta Regiment Forum
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The road to Ft Sill/Lawton in April will be exciting again, this is all to much, I am proud of the Mighty 14th 2005 as I was 1965!! Today we have a "TEAM" led by a great leader running this Association!!
Yesterday, 1965 we had a "TEAM" led by great leaders' I left the 14th in 1966 so looks like you warbonnets carried it into today the "Warbonnet Way"!!!
Some proud 6th"GUN"/14th Artillery Nov 1965 info. The 7th Cavalry Association is welcoming 6/14th Provisional Rifle Company warbonnets INTO the MIGHTY 7th, the 3rd Bde " After Action Reports" came up showing Attachment and Direct Support for the 7th!!
I share this with Pride, I feel Honored to Know and knew, great Leaders and great EMs of this time!!
What more will come up???,,,, Bob

Re: 1965-2005

Great Job Bob, you da man.