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Nags List Verses Mygrant List

My Question is, why would you use a list price provided by a non auto glass entity (NAGS) verses
the list price provided by a Auto glass wholesaler? (Mygrant)
And Why is Mygrant's list price different then Pilkington's list price?
Any one have a good answer PLEASE NO SARCASM
Thank You

Re: Nags List Verses Mygrant List

Glass X
My Question is, why would you use a list price provided by a non auto glass entity (NAGS) verses
the list price provided by a Auto glass wholesaler? (Mygrant)
And Why is Mygrant's list price different then Pilkington's list price?
Any one have a good answer PLEASE NO SARCASM
Thank You
Review the PPG case from decades back. PPG lost, made their own list, albeit only a very minor difference from NAGS.

Suspect this is the culprit or catalyst. In any case, the SMART move is NOT to play. Use cost plus like any other business does, including ALL of your costs of selling, not just a markup of the physical part, that would allow you to make a profit and or return on your investment; any list price and a "dictated deduction" from it, is stupidly meaningless.


Re: Nags List Verses Mygrant List

The decades pass and the pagans continue to worship their idol NAGS. Pathetic.

Re: Nags List Verses Mygrant List

PPG use to do it all the time . NAGS would lowball pricing PPG would net price to make money,end of story

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