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Anyone out there hear any info on the nags redo. Was supposed to be a group of companies getting together to come up with new pricing models for the industry as nags admitted their model was no good.

Re: Nags

Dear Ma glass,

The University of Rocket Science suggests you do the following:

Take your rent cost, electric cost, gas cost, water cost, vehicle operating costs, insurance costs, interest expenses you are paying, the wages you pay your people, a wage for yourself as a worker in your company, and a whole lot of other stuff I am not bothering to enumerate here, AND then add them up and give them a name: OVERHEAD

Then take your glass cost, the cost of adhesives and all your other necessary supplies and give them a name: MATERIAL COST

Now comes the interesting part where you add something called PROFIT. I know you are afraid to use the word, especially in front of an insurance company, and you are not sure you are entitled to it.

Your PROFIT should take into account something called ROI---- return on investment. Like--- if you sold your business and took all the money you had tied up in it and put it into the stock market or bank and then went to work for somebody for a weekly paycheck, how much money would you make in a year? How does that amount compare to what you are making running your glass shop?

If your glass shop is making you less than if you got rid of it, then the University of Rocket Science suggests you are not adding enough PROFIT because you are allowing NAGS, insurance companies, and TPA networks to run your business.

Ma, notice the optimal word I used: allowing. They are not holding a gun to your head--- you are ALLOWING them to run your business! Run it yourself, dear, our get out of it and go to work for somebody.

Re: Nags

From the Auto Glass Week brochure:
See What the New NAGS System Looks Like
At Auto Glass Week 2018, NAGS announced it would be updating its pricing system. Come to this
session to learn more about the updates NAGS will be implementing, and when those changes will
be going into effect. Please note: as with all Auto Glass Week seminars, recordings, broadcasting, retransmission, streaming and/or videotaping is strictly prohibited

Re: Nags

I for one have no interest whatsoever in what NAGS does, doesn't do, proposes, thinks, postulates, "dictates", publishes or lectures on. Nice and handy parts numbering system, but that's about all folks.

Re: Nags

my own man
I for one have no interest whatsoever in what NAGS does, doesn't do, proposes, thinks, postulates, "dictates", publishes or lectures on. Nice and handy parts numbering system, but that's about all folks.
You left out implements

Re: Nags

Hey, we haven't had a good "Let's dump on NAGS" in many months!

Re: Nags

Mitchell said at Autoglass week last year they were working with TPA's to set these new nags listings. HAHAHAHA.. That means we get screwed deeper.

Re: Nags

Al Bundy
Mitchell said at Autoglass week last year they were working with TPA's to set these new nags listings. HAHAHAHA.. That means we get screwed deeper.
Only if you let them, Al. Wake up and run your own business.

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