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Re: Rhode Island recalibration bill

Weirdly written.
You only need to notify them if car is 48 months or newer?
And in RI you can demand OEM glass for 4 years?

The bigger issue is stealerships demanding OEM glass in order to recalibrate ADAS.
So now the independent glass shop is S.O.L. since they can't get dealer glass approved by insurance (after 4 years in RI, but 1 to 2 years elsewhere), and they may not have the money and time for all the ADAS systems and equipment?

Here comes the squeeze play

Re: Rhode Island recalibration bill

Good morning,

glassBYTEs will be running an update on the legislation and noticed your comments. We'd appreciate it if we were able to incorporate more of your opinions in the article. Please feel free to email with your thoughts on the legislation.

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