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Help stop the Corruption

We have started working with a Law firm that specializes in
the type of work this industry is in dire needs of to straighten
the corrupt business model the insures and 3rd parties are involved in together.
We are currently working on creating a GO FUND ME campaign to help cover the legal
costs. This will require a well over a 1,000,000.00 dollars and possibly more
depending on the level we have to go possibly Supreme Court, to win.
We will keep you posted as we progress and how you can help.
Thank You

Re: Help stop the Corruption

I am in, Amen, how much do you need?

Re: Help stop the Corruption

This is the most blatant and outrageous attempt to scam money from innocent glass shop people I have seen in my many years in the industry and years of posting on this forum using various names. Good grief!

p.s.- notice the time spread!

Re: Help stop the Corruption

To the Real Donald,
Why are you calling these guys out as a scam?
I find this interesting, finally with any luck, there very well could be legal
action to pursue the corruption we face in this industry.
I would be game to financially help as long as I could have proof that it is a for real
venture and not a scam.
I would want to speak with the Law firm directly to get the details and then if I feel comfortable with that, I would be more then happy to help finance this.
The reason there has never been any action taken is because no one shop can financially afford a long drawn out case.
This would be away for all to help chip in to fund it and get something done.
Just sayin

Re: Help stop the Corruption

To "interested" and any one else who didn't pick up on how phony this looks:

A Glass Shop posted 8/31/18 at 11:12 A.M.

The guy posing as me, The Donald posted 8/31/18 at 11:18 A.M. JUST 6 MINUTES LATER

And how about the line: We will keep you posted as we progress and how you can help.

Why would it be rocket science for a legit guy looking for a million bucks TO STATE EXACTLY:

his name
his company name
his address
his phone number
his email address

instead of just putting down A Glass Shop ?????????????

Do what you want with your money folks!

Re: Help stop the Corruption

Remember, just because you’re not paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get you.

Re: Help stop the Corruption

Remember, just because you’re not paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get you.
No matter which way you turn, your azz-hole is always behind you.

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