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Wheelchair death crash driver had 'dirty windscreen'----Glassbytes story 8/29/18

It is obvious that Glassbytes VERY CAREFULLY selects their stories for posting. They instruct their computer to search for anything with the words "glass" "windshield" or "windscreen".

Those of us in the auto glass trade thank Glassbytes profusely for keeping us informed of very important "industry" stories like this one.

Re: Wheelchair death crash driver had 'dirty windscreen'----Glassbytes story 8/29/18

Ditto the same day story "18-year-old crashes Jeep into church window in DeWitt"

Re: Wheelchair death crash driver had 'dirty windscreen'----Glassbytes story 8/29/18

My cousin Sue was walking barefoot on the beach in Key West last week and stepped on a piece of broken glass. She needed four stitches. I sent the story to glassbytes but they seem to have rejected it.

Re: Wheelchair death crash driver had 'dirty windscreen'----Glassbytes story 8/29/18

Slow news day. REAL slow.

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