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Texas Department of Insurance all Texas Vehicle Owners with Glass Coverage, it was brought to my attention that some insurance companies are telling their insureds that they have to call Safelite Glass for their repair or Replacement, if the insured refuses or request other shops to perform the work, the claim is held up for an adjuster. I contacted Texas Department of Insurance and this was their response..

your email was forwarded to me for response.

Texas insurance law addresses the repair of motor vehicles. Both the Insurance Code and administrative rule specifically describe that insurers cannot suggest, either orally or in writing, where a claimant can get the car repaired.

If that person's insurer, All insurance companies, has represented that there will be a delay if she or he doesn't go with Safelite, she should file a complaint with our Consumer Protection Division at:

The insurer may be delaying prompt payment and settlement of the claim, in violation of Texas insurance law.

A link to the Repair of Motor Vehicle regulations, in the Insurance Code and Administrative Code, are provided below:

Subchapter G, Texas Insurance Code, Repair of Motor Vehicle:

Title 28, Texas Administrative Code, Section 5.501:$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=28&pt=1&ch=5&rl=501

Thank you for the opportunity to assist.

Re: Texas Department of Insurance

Now, be sure you follow up, repeatedly, and if you're told that "only consumer's can file complaints" demand to know where it says that in the statutes or regulations.

Some DOIs paint a pretty face, but don't really want to handle complaints past the warm n fuzzy handoff, so be prepared for molasses in January slowness, and apathy.

Texas DOI's track record isn't that great on this stuff. Better than some states though, IMHO.

Finally, be sure to DOCUMENT their actions, and possibly LACK there of. Remember, your DOI is your ONLY recourse for law enforcement. If they don't act, well, just document everything, we'll talk about the rest later.


Re: Texas Department of Insurance

John, I'd like to discuss this further with you if you could send me an email at, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

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